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Balance Sheet Restructuring

Gerbsman Partners brings a wealth of experiences and resources to assist in the resolution of balance sheet issues, which require the termination or restructuring of prohibitive real estate leases, license agreements payables, and contingent liabilities.

These companies were not necessarily in crisis, had CASH (in some cases significant CASH) and/or investor groups that were about to provide additional funding. In order to stabilize their “Go-Forward Plan” and maximize CASH resources for future growth, there was a specific need to address these Balance Sheet and Contingent Liability issues as soon as possible.

Our specific expertise and experience in these areas have focused on termination, restructuring and/or reductions, such as:

  • Prohibitive executory real estate leases
  • Senior and sub-debt obligations
  • Computer and hardware related leases
  • Accounts payable
  • Various capital structure issues

To date, Gerbsman Partners has terminated or restructured in excess of $810 million of prohibitive real estate, equipment lease and/or sub-debt obligations. These deals were a mixture of both private and public companies, and allowed the restructured company to return to a path of financial viability.